I Need Inspiration

3-ff-02-01-roger-bultot-flowerTrue to the forecast, it was cold this morning. I was out of bed, showered and dressed in a hurry. A brisk walk to the office with a stop at the doughnut shop seemed in order, followed by climbing 6 floors instead of taking the elevator would work of the calories.

First thing in the office was to turn on the coffee pot and boot-up the computer. With my first cup of java for the day, and the doughnut half eaten I took time to look out the window, snow still on the ledges, ice in the alley. Then I looked to see the writing challenge for the day – I need some inspiration.

Friday Fictioneers: The Challenge Write a complete story in 100 words or less. Beginning Middle and End.
Today’s photo prompt is from Roger Bultot, thanks Roger.

About Mike

I'm an avid bicyclist, that also enjoys Kayaking, Nature Photography, Cross Country Skiing and Geocaching. There's nothing more boring than sitting indoors in "good" weather.
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5 Responses to I Need Inspiration

  1. Ha! Seems like many felt that way, and many have plowed through the problem – as you did.

  2. michael1148humphris says:

    A breakfast of coffee and doughnuts that’s good – but I need fresh air and comfy seat to start the pencil flowing.

  3. Dale says:

    So… felt like I did about this picture, did you? 😉

  4. Michael Wynn says:

    Displacement activities are the ruin of me, anything to avoid starting work

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